Three Herbal Tea to Treat Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoid is a common disease in our life, which is a common disease in the anus. It can be gotten in any age. There are many reasons for the pathogenesis of hemorrhoid. Sedentary, long standing and overwork all will affect blood circulation, slow blood flow within the pelvic and make abdominal organ congestion. Cause hemorrhoid vein overfilling, protuberating, varix and tension of vein wall declining. Tea of traditional Chinese medicine is one of the treatment methods of treating Hemorrhoid. The followings are four prescriptions of tea:

Ginger tea姜茶

Method: Take a handful of tea and seven ginger slices in water. Decoct or soak in boiling water. Take 1-2 dosages every day. Take white it has warm temperature.
Ginger is hot and pungent in property. It enters stomach meridian. It can warm the stomach for dispelling cold and stop vomiting. Tea can induce astringency and promote urine. This ginger tea can warm stomach, remove dampness through diuresis, astringe the intestines and stop dysentery. It can recover transportation and transformation of spleen and stomach and enhance strength, which has excellent health care function on anorectal tissue.

润肠通便茶Cassia seed tea

Method: Take 30 grams of Cassia seed to fry. Then, crush and soak with boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Often take instead of tea.
Cassia seed is the rope seed of cassia tora as leguminous plants, also known as semen cassia. It has effects on clearing liver, improving vision and relaxing bowel. Pharmacological experiments show that it contains chrysophanol, emodin and aloe emodin ingredients, which can lower blood pressure, prevent bacterial and promote bowel. Its laxative effect is often used in the treatment of a variety of anorectal diseases.

Sophora leaf tea槐叶茶

Method: Take 15 grams of sophora leaf (steam and dry) to soak in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add some sugar.
Sophora leaf is cool in property. It has effects on clearing heat and cooling blood and treating well in bloody stool, hemorrhoidal bleeding and bloody stranguria due to exuberant fire in large intestine or heat accumulation. Sophora leaf contains eldrin and flavonoid can reduce the amount of blood capillary dilate, maintain normal capillary resistance, restore normal vascular elasticity, reduce permeability and achieve hemostasis.

Tips: Choose tea according to individual physical differences. People with overabundance of yang should take green Tea, people with deficiency-cold should take Black Tea and people with flat physique are suitable flower tea.

Ginger Tea Can Ease 12 Common Diseases

A minor illness in daily life is a normal thing. After having the illness, do not rush to take medicine, the simple ginger tea can help you. Ginger is not only a common spices but also an important herb in traditional Chinese medicine.姜茶

Dental ulcer:
Method:You can use ginger tea to wash mouth, daily 2 to 3 times and generally 6 to 9 times ulcers can be convergent.

Tooth decay:
You can insist to use hot ginger tea to gargle once in daily morning and evening and instead of tea to drink every day. This method is very effective for the protection of teeth and prevention and treatment of Tooth decay.

When a migraine attack, you can use hot water to soak hands for 15 minutes or so, and then the pain will reduce, or even disappear.

Drinking ginger tea can accelerate blood circulation and digestion of alcohol. Also add right amount honey can alleviate or eliminate drunk.

First you can use hot ginger tea as mouthwash, each 1 time in daily morning and evening. If you have the sore throat, you can drink hot ginger decoction with a little salt, daily 2 to 3 times.

Facial acne:生姜
You can use hot ginger water to wash the face every day, once in daily morning and evening. And insist on about 60 days, the acne will reduce or even disappear. This method also has certain therapeutic effect on freckles and dry skin.

You can use ginger gently scrub hair, and then use hot ginger water to wash hair. It can effectively prevent dandruff. In addition, often wash hair with hot ginger water, you will get a certain treatment effect on the bald.

When the blood pressure is increased, you can use hot ginger water to soak the feet for 15 minutes. Soake feet with hot ginger water can cause extension of blood vessels and make blood pressure decreased.

Lumbar shoulder pain:
You can add some salt and vinegar into hot ginger water. Wring towel after soaking in the ginger water. Apply to affected part and repeat several times. This method can relax the muscles and stimulate the blood circulation, which can greatly ease the pain.

Before sleep every day, you can use hot ginger water to wash around the anus, and then drink hot ginger water from 1 to 2 cups, lasting about 10 days. It can be cured.

Foot odor:
You can soak the feet in hot ginger water and then add some salt and vinegar. Soak for 15 minutes, dry by wipe and add a little talcum powder, and then the odor will be eliminated.

Have a cold with headache:
Put your feet in the water with hot ginger water. That water can dip into the ankle is appropriate. When soaked in hot water ginger, you can add some salt and vinegar. Continue to add hot water until the foot become redness. The method has obvious effect on curing anemofrigid cold, headache and cough.