Nourishing Stomach and Spleen

In medicine, the physiological functions of the spleen are transportation and transformation, ascending the clear and governing blood. If function of the transportation and transformation and ascending the clear of the spleen neglect its duty, it will cause syndrome of internal stagnation of fluid-dampness, decline of digestive function, spleen failing to manage blood as well as lucid yang failing to rise. Thus, people will get abdominal distension or abdominal pain, reduced food intake, loose stool, general edema, abdominal ptosis and haemorrhage. Gastrosia often have four main pathological changes, such as, disturbance of maturity function and receiving food, rising of stomach qi and adverse rising of gastric qi. It will appear low food intake, abdominal swelling or pain, nausea, hiccup and eructation. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the spleen opens from the mouth, if the dysfunction of the spleen, people will have tasteless, odorless, greasy mouth, sweet taste, and bitter taste. Thus abnormalities affect the person’s appetite. In order to nourish spleen and stomach, people can often choose to eat food with tonifying middle-Jiao and Qi, invigorating the spleen for eliminating spleen dampness and help digestion for strengthening the stomach.

Chinese Yam山药

There are some functions that supplementing qi and nourishing Yin, invigorating the spleen, lung and kidney as well as treating spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia. This product contains more nutrients, which is easy to digest and absorb. The drug has middle in property. tonify without causing stagnation and enriching but not slimy. It is especially suitable for people with chronic illness or weakness after illness to be nursed back to health.

Semen dolichoris

There are functions about invigorating spleen, regulating the middle warmer and resolving dampness. It especially is suitable for people with low food intake, loose stool, downward drive for dampness and leukorrhagia due to deficiency of the spleen, which caused by damp abundance for splenic asthenia and abnormal transportation and transformation. It often use to treat vomiting and diarrhea due to summer-heat and damp with acu-injury of diaphragm and incoordination between the spleen and the stomach. For eating, people should fully heat.


There are some functions that tonifying middle-Jiao and Qi, nourishing blood with relieving uneasiness of mind and body tranquilization and ease drug properties. Jujube not only can protect liver, enhance the muscle strength and increase the weight, but also have high contents of vitamin. Thus, Chinese-date have a good reputation “natural vitamin pills”. Due to its good effect on nourishing and tonifying, people all like it. In folk, there is an old saying that “ eat three Chinese-date every day and you will never be old”.

Coix Seed

There are some functions that clearing damp and promoting diuresis, tonifying spleen, eliminating impediment and clearing away heat and eliminating pus. It also is a tonic food for people with debility in illness or after illness, because it has rich vitamin and mineral substance. This product can be used for nourishing and treating, but it has abirritant function. Thus, after people taking for a period, it will have good effect. Due to this product is rich in vitamin B, it is effective in treating and preventing beri-beri. Often eat this product to keep the skin exquisite, eliminate acne and pigmentation and so on.


There are some functions that relieving dyspepsia, promoting the circulation of qi and eliminating stasis to activate blood circulation. Modern pharmacological studies confirmed that this product can increase the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach, promote digestion and absorption of food. It contains lipase, which can promote the decomposition of fat to easily digest the meat. Thus, it is the medicine for digesting stagnation of fat meat product. This product also has the effect on increasing coronary blood flow, expanding blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and lowering blood lipids. For people with coronary heart disease, hypertension and dyslipidemia, it has better curative effect.

Eat Red Dates for Nourishing Blood and Resisting Cold

Red date is the best product for nourishing blood and resisting cold.红枣

Red date is warm in property with sweet taste, which enters the spleen and stomach meridians. It has effects on tonifying middle-jiao and qi, nourishing blood, soothe the nerves and ease property of a medicine. Modern pharmacology found that red date contains rich protein, fat, carbohydrate, organic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, trace calcium in and a variety of amino acids. People always put red dates as an excellent tonic. A red date is not only delicious fruit, but also tonic medicine. It can strengthen tendons and bones, nourish blood, promote the circulation of Qi and moisten face.
Red date is rich in calcium and iron and iron, which is a good tonic. There is a study found that people will feel cold when iron deficiency of human blood. Thus, in order to resist cold in winter, people can eat red dates to increase iron intake, so as to improve the ability of the body cold. Eat red dates in winter not only can nourish qi and blood, but also play effect on resisting cold.

Red dates to resist cold recipes

There are many methods of eating red dates, such as, steaming, stewing, simmering, and boiling and so on. The most commonly method is to decoct red dates with water, which will not influence effect on protecting liver and avoid diarrhea due to eat in raw.

1. Red dates water
Method: decoct 10 red dates (break down by hands) and 100 grams of barley with 7 times of water. Add ginger to remove stomach cold. Red dates have rich sugar, so drink without sugar.

2. Red dates and honey tea
Methods: decoct red 150 grams of dates (remove core) and 50 grams of rock sugar with 350 ml of water. Then, dry up without water, and grind into paste. Add 250 ml of honey and mix well, and then pore into a clean glass bottle. Drink water with 1 teaspoon. Red dates and honey are warm in property. In cold winter, drink a cup of tea can supply energy and increase the heat.

红枣蜂蜜茶3. Fungus and red date soup
Materials: 10 grams of black fungus, 50 grams of red dates, appropriate amount of white sugar and water,
Methods: boil the black fungus and red dates, and then add appropriate amount of sugar. Black fungus can clear lung and tonify qi. Red dates can nourish blood and keep beauty. During the first 1 week before the menstruation to the end of the menstrual cycle, eat at next day can ease menstrual anemia and get a rosy complexion.

4. Red dates and chrysanthemum porridge红枣菊花粥
Materials: 50 grams of red dates, 90 grams of rice and 15 grams of chrysanthemum.
Method: cook the above materials with appropriate water. Eat chrysanthemum and red dates porridge can make the skin ruddy. It has effects on disease prevention, health care and beautifying.

Taboos for eating red date

1. During menstruation, some women will appear swollen eye or swollen feet. In fact, it is due to heavy dampness. These people are not suitable for eating red dates, because it has sweet taste. Eat more will easily get phlegm and dampness to make edema of the situation become even more serious.
2. People with abdominal distension do not fit to eat red dates. It will cause dampness of stagnation and make abdominal distension aggravate.
3. Women with hot constitution are not suitable for eating red dates in the menstrual period. Eating it will cause menorrhagia.
4. Diabetic patients would better eat less. For high sugar content of red dates, eating more will be easy to increase blood sugar and aggravate deterioration of the disease.

White-Collar Women Need 4 Teas for Health Care: Relieve Stress, Maintain Beauty and Keep Fit

Drinking tea for health care has already become a kind of healthy lifestyle. Many office workers also like to prepare some tea and tea bags on their desk. As professional white-collar women, often have to face a strong pressure, so the appropriate choice of some of the health care tea can help calmly face work. The followings recommend 4 teas are suitable for white-collar to drink.

1. Red dates and longan tea桂圆红枣茶

Materials: 100 grams of red dates, 50 grams of longan
Method: put all the materials in the 1000 grams of water to boil and then simmer without fire for 10 minutes.
Office making tips: put all the material into the insulation cup, add 1000 grams of boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes.

Longan: tranquilizing by nourishing the heart and nourishing yin and blood. It is suitable for women with valetudinarianism, palpitation with insomnia and lusterless complexion to take.

枸杞2. Goji berry tea to improve eyesight

Materials: 10 grams of goji berry, 5grams of chrysanthemum
Method: put all materials into 500 grams of boiling water with small fire for 5 minutes.
Office making tips: put all the material into the insulation cup, soak into 500 grams of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes.

Goji berry: goji berry can regulate immunity, prevent oxidation, prevent aging, prevent tumor, prevent fatigue, lower blood lipid, lower blood pressure, nourish kidney and maintain beauty.

3. American ginseng and red date tea参枣茶

Materials: 5 red dates, 5 grams of American ginseng
Method: put the red dates into 350 grams of boiling water for 3 minutes. Pit the American ginseng into the cup, add red dates juice into cup and simmer with cover for 10 minutes.
Office making tips: put all the material into the insulation cup, soak 350 grams of boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes.

American ginseng: American ginseng can nourish qi and replenish blood. Invigorate qi and nourish Yin, clear heat and promote fluid. It is used for the deficiency of Qi and Yin and internal thermal.

4. Ginger, astragalus and red date tea

Materials: 20 grams of Astragalus, right amount of ginger, 2 red dates, right amount of brown sugar
Method: cut a good ginger into pieces. Put it with astragalus and red dates into 1000 grams of boiling water. Cook small fire for 8 minutes. Appropriately add some brown sugar.
Office making tips: put all the material into the insulation cup, soak into 1000 grams of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes.红糖

Brown sugar: brown sugar is warm in property with sweet taste. It enters the spleen meridian. It can nourish qi and blood, strengthen spleen, warm stomach, relieve pain, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Menstrual Disorders Are Easy to Increase the Risk of Heart Disease— How Do People Deal With It?

Irregular menstruation is a common gynecological disease in women. However, some women do not put this problem in mind. However, do you know? The Irregular menstruation not only influence pregnancy, but may also lead to heart disease. Thus women need to pay attention to nurse health.

Irregular menstruation, daily conditioning method

1.Female will decline resistance during menstrual period. If you get the chill or very tired during the menstrual period, you will be easy to infect pathogenic wind and aggravate the irregular menstruation disorders. Thus, a warm and relaxed life helps you alleviate irregular menstruation.
2.You can do some gentle exercise. During menstrual period, the amount of exercise can increase blood circulation and promote endometrial off, which can alleviate dysmenorrhea phenomenon. For irregular menstruation, it has a certain improvement, but also you need to select the appropriate amount of exercise and exercise methods to avoid strenuous exercise.dazao
3.Eat more foods can regulate menstruation. During menstrual period, eating as much as possible food about warming uterus, such as mutton, chicken, jujube, bean curd, apple, coix seed, milk, sugar, motherwort, angelica and longan. After menstruation, you can eat nutritional foods and foods with rich iron to help blood circulation and nurse irregular menstruation.

Chinese medicine treatment of irregular menstruation

Soup of removing heat from the liver and regulating the menstrual function

Materials: 12 grams of rhynohophylla, 9 grams of fried gardenia, 6 grams of fried cattail pollen (fry with bag), 12 grams of fried teasle, 10 grams of poria, 5 grams of fried radix bupleuri, 15 grams of motherwort, 10 grams of fried cortex moutan, 12 grams of red and white peony root, 10 grams of coke hawthorn and 10 grams of excrementum pteropi益母草
Function: It can remove heat from the liver, dispel melancholy, remove blood stasis and regulate the menstrual. It is used for treating premature menstruation, menorrha, distending pain of breasts during menstruation and more menstrual blood clots. This diet prescription needs to be taken during menstrual period.

Soup of tonifying kidney and stimulating the menstrual flow

白芍Materials: 10 grams of semen boitae, 15 grams of fructus leonuri, 15 grams of radix rubiae, 9 grams of fried turtle shell, 6 grams of saffron, 12 grams of danshen root, 12 grams of prepared rehmannia root, 15 grams of teasel, the leaves of zezhi, radix cyathulae, 10 grams of fried angelica, 10 grams of red and white peony root.
Function: it can tonify kidney, calm the mind, invigorate the circulation of blood and stimulate the menstrual flow. It is used for curing amenorrhea, and opsomenorrhea.

Seven Herbal Tea Help You Easily Lose Weight

Hyperlipidemia is a common disease for modern people. High blood lipids include high-content cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood. And tea can reduce blood lipids, loos weight and keep health and beauty. Tea has the effect on lowering blood lipids, especially tea with a few theine can reduce harmful cholesterol and improve the effectiveness of the beneficial cholesterol.

Too much fat tends to cause obesity. The caffeine in tea has effect on the metabolism of food nutrients, especially has a strong decomposition for fat. The catechin can promote body fat decomposition and prevent the accumulation of fat in the blood and liver. Due to improve basal metabolic rate of the human body and increasing the fat decomposition, tea has the effect of loosing weight.

Seven herbal tea to reduce blood fat:

1, Hawthorn slimming tea山楂茶
Material: 30 grams of fresh hawthorn, 5 grams of sophora flower, 15 grams of fresh lotus leaf, 10 grams of semen cassiae torae.
Method: put the above material into pot to cook until it become rotten. Then crush it with a big scoop and cook for 10 minutes. Next drink the juice as the tea with one dose per day and continue to drink three months.

2, Chrysanthemum and green tea菊花
Material: 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 3 grams of green tea,
Method: put the material into boiling water to soak. Chrysanthemum can clear liver and promote vision. Due to tea has function of enhancing the elasticity of blood vessels and increase cholesterol, it has better effect on the prevention of hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis with long-term drinking. People should extra care for some food with a lot of calories and fat.

3, Hawthorn and lotus leaf tea
Material: 30 grams of Hawthorn, 12 grams of lotus leaf, 500 ml of water
Method: simmer the material with soft fire for 20 minutes and drink juice. Hawthorn and lotus leaf have effect on expanding blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and blood lipids as well as have the effect on loosing weight. It is fit for people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids, coronary heart disease and obesity.

4, Goji berry and chrysanthemum tea枸杞
Material: 15 grams of goji berry, 10 grams of chrysanthemum
Method: brew with boiling water and instead of tea to drink per day. Wolfberry contains rich beta carrot element, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium and iron. It can tonify the liver and kidney, nourish liver and improve vision as well as moist pulmonary dryness. Also it can reduce blood pressure and blood lipid and prevent arteriosclerosis. Chrysanthemum has effect on dispelling wind with clearing heat, removing toxin with promoting vision. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should pay attention that put a few pieces of jujube can strengthen the spleen.

5, Semen cassiae torae tea
Semen cassiae torae has cold in property, sweet taste, bitter, and salty. It has function of clearing liver with promoting vision, dispel the wind with relieving pain, relaxing bowel and decreasing blood lipid. Brew 10 grams of semen cassiae torae with boiling water. Put the cover for a moment. Drink it instead of tea at any time.

6, Radix salviae miltiorrhizae tea丹参
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae has cold in property and bitter taste. It has function of reducing blood pressure, decreasing blood lipids, increasing blood flow of arteria coronaria, improving microcirculation, adjusting the heart rate and improving the body’s immune function. Brew 10 grams of radix salviae miltiorrhizae with boiling water. Put the cover for a moment. Drink it instead of tea at any time.

7, Chrysanthemum tea
Chrysanthemum has cold in property and sweet and bitter taste. It has effect on clearing liver with promoting vision, diminish inflammation with removing toxin, preventing thrombus, relieving fever with clearing heat increasing blood flow of arteria coronaria, reducing blood pressure and decrease blood lipid. Brew 10 grams of chrysanthemum with boiling water. Put the cover for a moment. Drink it instead of tea at any time.

Special Diet Keep You Far Away from Summer Heat

1, Dry throat with hoarse voice

(1)Light salt brine
Throat problems mostly because of inflammation, so drink light salt brine has anti-inflammatory effect. Remember saline concentration is not high.

(2)Honey and pear paste蜜梨膏
Method: use juicer to press pear into juice, then add fit amount of honey with slow fire decocting into paste. Drink one spoonful per day, which can clear heat, moist throat with promoting body fluid. Honey has sweet and flat in property, which enters lung, spleen and large intestine meridians. Honey can relax bowel, tonify the lung and throat and remove toxin. The pear has sour and cold in property, which enters the lung and spleen meridians. It can cure cough, thirst and constipation. Thus, that put the two together to decoct into paste can moist throat.

2,Sore throat
People can eat pears. Pear is fruit of nourishing lung and yin, which can relieve a cough and diminish inflammation. It can supplement body fluid of the lung, cure throat pain and reduce pulmonary fire.

3, With blisters in mouth生姜
Cut a few pieces of ginger to chew, which can make the blisters gradually eliminate. Ginger has function of diminishing inflammation, easing pain, removing bacterium and relieving toothache.

4, Chapped lips

Cucumber and kiwi juice

Material: 200 grams of cucumber, 30 grams of kiwi fruit, 200 ml of cold boiling water, two teaspoons of honey.

Method: wash cucumber and remove seed and cut into small pieces with remaining peel. Peel kiwi fruit and cut into small lump. Put the two together into the juicer and add cold water to mix. Then pour and add some honey. Drink it before one hour of a meal. Cucumber has sweet and col in property, which can enter the stomach and spleen meridians. It can clear heat with relieving toxin and disinhibit pee. It can cure fever, polydipsia and sore throat. The kiwi fruit has sweet, sour and cold in property, which can enter the kidney and stomach meridians. It can clear fever and quench thirst. Thus, that put the two together to take can moisten lips.

5, Withered hair蜜枣核桃

Candied date and persian walnut soup

Material: 250 grams of candied date, 100 grams of persian walnut, fit amount of sugar.

Methods: remove nutlet of candied date, wash and drain water. Put it with persian walnut and sugar together into the pot to stew with small fire. Until the soup becomes sticky and persian walnut become soft, people can stop cooking. This soup has function of nourishing liver and kidney, moistening lungs with promoting body fluid and nourishing blood with moistening hair. Persian Walnut has sweet and soft in property, which can enter the kidney, liver and lung meridians. It can relax bowel, replenish blood and black hairs and beards. Long-time drinking can make the skin smooth and fine. The candied date can replenish lung and moisten dry, so it is good for the hair.

6, Other ways: eat grapefruit and drink mung bean soup can reduce interior heat. If people want to drink tea, drink green tea will have the best effect.

4 Kinds of Fruit Keep Women Far Away from Breast Cancer!

Many women will couldn’t help shivering when they hear the breast cancer. So eat what kinds of fruit can prevent breast cancer? These 4 kinds of fruit can keep women far away from breast cancer!

1, citrus柑橘

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, kumquat, are rich in vitamin C, so they can prevent the formation of nitrosamines. Suitable for gastric cancer, laryngeal cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer.

2, hawthorn山楂

It is used to stimulate appetite and digestion, reduce blood fat. It can promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and stagnation and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. At the same time, it is rich in vitamin C and suitable for digestive tract and female reproductive system cancer, such as gastric cancer and breast cancer.

3, jujubedazao

It has the function of invigorating spleen and stomach and replenishing qi and blood. It is rich in vitamin B-, carotene and vitamin C and B, etc. It contains a set of three compounds for the anticancer active ingredients. You can use jujube porridge and astragalus simmer jujube to enhance physical fitness and prevent breast cancer.

4, kiwi fruit猕猴桃

Kiwi fruit is a gem in all fruits! The content of vitamin C is 4-12 times than the orange, 3 times than the apple, 60 times than the grape. Research shows that, the substance can block the nitrosamines generation of the body, which has good anti-cancer effect.