Eat Red Dates for Nourishing Blood and Resisting Cold

Red date is the best product for nourishing blood and resisting cold.红枣

Red date is warm in property with sweet taste, which enters the spleen and stomach meridians. It has effects on tonifying middle-jiao and qi, nourishing blood, soothe the nerves and ease property of a medicine. Modern pharmacology found that red date contains rich protein, fat, carbohydrate, organic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, trace calcium in and a variety of amino acids. People always put red dates as an excellent tonic. A red date is not only delicious fruit, but also tonic medicine. It can strengthen tendons and bones, nourish blood, promote the circulation of Qi and moisten face.
Red date is rich in calcium and iron and iron, which is a good tonic. There is a study found that people will feel cold when iron deficiency of human blood. Thus, in order to resist cold in winter, people can eat red dates to increase iron intake, so as to improve the ability of the body cold. Eat red dates in winter not only can nourish qi and blood, but also play effect on resisting cold.

Red dates to resist cold recipes

There are many methods of eating red dates, such as, steaming, stewing, simmering, and boiling and so on. The most commonly method is to decoct red dates with water, which will not influence effect on protecting liver and avoid diarrhea due to eat in raw.

1. Red dates water
Method: decoct 10 red dates (break down by hands) and 100 grams of barley with 7 times of water. Add ginger to remove stomach cold. Red dates have rich sugar, so drink without sugar.

2. Red dates and honey tea
Methods: decoct red 150 grams of dates (remove core) and 50 grams of rock sugar with 350 ml of water. Then, dry up without water, and grind into paste. Add 250 ml of honey and mix well, and then pore into a clean glass bottle. Drink water with 1 teaspoon. Red dates and honey are warm in property. In cold winter, drink a cup of tea can supply energy and increase the heat.

红枣蜂蜜茶3. Fungus and red date soup
Materials: 10 grams of black fungus, 50 grams of red dates, appropriate amount of white sugar and water,
Methods: boil the black fungus and red dates, and then add appropriate amount of sugar. Black fungus can clear lung and tonify qi. Red dates can nourish blood and keep beauty. During the first 1 week before the menstruation to the end of the menstrual cycle, eat at next day can ease menstrual anemia and get a rosy complexion.

4. Red dates and chrysanthemum porridge红枣菊花粥
Materials: 50 grams of red dates, 90 grams of rice and 15 grams of chrysanthemum.
Method: cook the above materials with appropriate water. Eat chrysanthemum and red dates porridge can make the skin ruddy. It has effects on disease prevention, health care and beautifying.

Taboos for eating red date

1. During menstruation, some women will appear swollen eye or swollen feet. In fact, it is due to heavy dampness. These people are not suitable for eating red dates, because it has sweet taste. Eat more will easily get phlegm and dampness to make edema of the situation become even more serious.
2. People with abdominal distension do not fit to eat red dates. It will cause dampness of stagnation and make abdominal distension aggravate.
3. Women with hot constitution are not suitable for eating red dates in the menstrual period. Eating it will cause menorrhagia.
4. Diabetic patients would better eat less. For high sugar content of red dates, eating more will be easy to increase blood sugar and aggravate deterioration of the disease.