Three Diet Tips to Lose Weight

1. Replace rice with porridge, halve the calorieshaizao

The calories of a bowl of porridge is much lower than a bowl of rice. Otherwise, the plenty of water can make you full immediately. It also help for controlling appetite and preventing and improving over eating.
In addition, you can add some seaweed to cook porridge, such as kelp and sargassum fusiforme. They are rich in dietary fiber and have the function of relieving toxins and reducing the absorbing in fat and sugar.

2. Add some seaweed food when eat vegetable and fruit saladsha la

Although salad is rich in enzyme and dietary fiber, some salad add a lot of mayonnaise that contains much calories, such as the potato salad and macaroni salad. So that you had better to choose fruits and vegetables salad and add some seaweed food. It not only has the function of improving digestion and constipation, but also can make your waist become thinner.

3. Replace the sweet with pumpkin and sweet potato

Many people like to eat sweet food, such as cake, chocolate, candy and snacks, especially under the pressure and in a bad mood. The sweet can alleviate the mood, but it contains much sugar so it should be controlled in the diet to lose weight. You can cook or steam some pumpkin and sweet potato and they will bring natural sweet taste to you. Dietary fiber can improve constipation and promote detoxification!